A Stroll Through Dynamics 365 Process Manufacturing: Formula Designer – Part 2

In part 1 of this blog series, we discussed a business case that involved a manufacturing company that produced plastic products for the automotive industry.  The company hired a new product designer Ryan who is getting comfortable using Dynamics 365 and polishing his Formula designer skills. 

Thus far, Ryan has learned how to open the formula designer, configure the tree view, and configure the route operations FastTab.

To analyze a formula, Ryan needs to understand that the formula designer has two sections:

  1. The tree view (1) on the left.
  2. The details section (2) on the right.
    Once he selects a formula line in the tree view, the FastTab fields in the details section are populated based on the formula line selected.  Details section contains the following FastTabs:
    • BOM line details
    • Item data
    • Formula
    • Route
    • Route operations

d365 formula designer details

To edit formula lines or formula, use the BOM lines or BOM functions.  The type of the formula line selected in the tree determines the functions that are available.

BOM lines formula designer

Edit – Ryan can edit the formula line attributes.  As noted below in the screenshot, you can edit fields like Position, Ingredient type, Line type, Warehouse, Quantity, and so on.  Click OK to accept changes.

edit formula line dynamics 365

Delete – Delete a formula line from the tree view.

Add before line – Ryan can select a component to be added before the selected formula line.  As noted below in the screenshot, he can add item number M0062 before M0060 in the formula.  Click OK to accept changes.

select component formula designer d365

Add to component BOM – When he has the BOM number selected, you can select a component to be added at the end of the formula.

Add after line – Ryan can select a component to be added before the selected formula line. Similar to Add before line, as noted above in the screenshot.  Click OK to accept changes.

add after line

Create version – Create a new formula version or formula for the product variant of the selected node.

Calculation – Run the cost or sales price calculation for the selected formula line.

Check –Validate the formula.  For example, check formula lines to ensure they all have the same ‘Per Series’ value.

dynamics 365 check BOM or formula

Print – Print formula and formula lines.

The filter that is applied is shown in the header of the formula designer, as noted below in the screenshot.

formula designer header

To change the filter, click Filter in the menu.

filter formula designer dynamics 365

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