Automated Testing For Dynamics 365 Continuous Updates

automated testing dynamics 365 continuous updates

Ever since Dynamics AX became the cloud-based Dynamics 365 we know and love, one of the many benefits touted by Microsoft has been the continuous updates. While the idea of always being on the latest and greatest version of Dynamics is an appealing one, there are some key components involved to make these updates run smoothly. With this in mind, automated testing is one of those components that has turned from “nice to have” to “absolutely mandatory”.

Microsoft has introduced two tools recently to make automated testing a reality. Lucky for all of you, we recently spoke on both of these tools during webinars for the user community. You can watch the recordings by visiting the links below and logging in with your D365UGFO/AXUG credentials. Not a member of the user group? Contact us!

Advances in RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool) for Dynamics 365

This RSAT enables creation of automated test scripts for most commonly used business processes.  It is a good tool for rapid test developments based on existing Task Recordings and BPMs.

RSAT continuous updates webinar

What’s new in Acceptance Test Library (ATL)

ATL is an X++ based tool long used by Microsoft Development resources. It will allow to cover more sophisticated testing scenarios RSAT is unable to cover.

acceptance test library dynamics 365

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