Dynamics 365 – Basic Warehouse App Configuration

One of the nice features of Dynamics 365 is the out of the box warehouse app. It is currently available for Windows and Android devices and provides a robust way to interface with Dynamics 365 warehouse management. It has functionality built-in to allow access to core inbound, outbound, and day to day warehouse functionality like: Receiving, Put away, Transfers, Picking, Cycle counts, Movements, Transportation.

There is some technical set-up involved in preparing the Warehouse mobile app for D365. We are not going to get technical here. We suggest you check out this detailed article from Microsoft on how to install and connect the warehouse application.

Once the app is installed and ready, it is necessary to create workers to access the app. The workers are tied to users in the system and have direct access to work functions in D365.  Start in Modules> Warehouse management> Setup> Workers. IT is quite possible that workers will already be set-up. If not, click New and select a user.

work users dynamics 365 warehouse management

Notice on the Profile there are options to set various default parameters for the Worker.

worker profile d365 warehouse

When the Save button is clicked, the Password pane will open from the right to allow a password to be set. Notice that this is also the area in which the Password can be “Reset.” There are also some security settings that can be set from this page.

work tab advanced warehouse management dynamics 365

Much of the Mobile configurations are in Modules> Warehouse management> Setup> Mobile device. Clicking on the Mobile device menu will allow the user to display the available menus on the Mobile device.

dynamics 365 warehouse management mobile setup

mobile device menus warehouse management

This is where the application shines as it has “no code” update capabilities. Click New and add a new menu. In this Demo, we created the Transportation menu option and added the Driver check-in and Driver check-out. Then we moved the new Transportation menu to the Menu structure and clicked Save.

edit menus warehouse management mobile dynamics 365

We can also add menu items. There are set options but can be added depending on different settings and the various options have their own set of parameters.  Perhaps there is a need to allow splitting of work or an override.

add menu items dynamics 365 warehouse mobile

There can be further customizations made outside of what is available in the system structure, with the right effort. The process to customize the mobile application can use the X++ class hierarchy, but moving forward, the best practice is for the use of extensions.

One final fun update is the Application logo. If a logo is not set, the application just looks boring. From Modules > Organization administration > Organizations > Legal entities open the fast tab Dashboard image. Click Edit on the tab bar and Change to add an image.

set application logo dynamics 365 warehouse app

Thank you for stopping by and learning a bit about the capabilities of the mobile warehouse application in D365.

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