Codes, Codes, Codes… Commodity Codes in Dynamics 365!

There are so many codes to be concerned with! Some codes are pre-determined and  are a part of a system used for freight, tariffs, taxes, import/export, etc. Today, the focus is on Commodity Codes, specifically.

A quick Bing search (ok, ok – Google) of ‘commodity codes’ reveals multiple data sources.  Two sources are primary.  First is an international six-digit Harmonized System (HS) that is utilized as the basis for many lists created for use by companies and institutions.  There is also a 5-digit Standard Industrial Classification System (SITC) published by the United Nations.  The United States has added 4-digits to the 6-digit HS codes to create a Schedule B Export Code list.  The 10-digit code is also used to classify imports and tariffs, and is called the Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

So depending on the purpose of the Commodity Codes, a standardized list may be the best option (ie Intrastat Reporting) or a custom commodity code list may be sufficient.

Regardless of the Commodity Codes to be used, the process for creating and assigning Commodity Codes in D365 Finance is the same.

Setting up Commodity Codes

Navigate to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchies.

Create a Category hierarchy for Commodity codes, and call it something like ‘Commodity codes’ or ‘Intrastat’.

Add nodes to the Hierarchy by clicking the New category node button.  For each node in the hierarchy, enter a name and the commodity code to associated with that node, in the Code field.  The node will default to active.

category hiearchy d365

Note:  Commodity codes can be imported into D365 with Data Management.

Using the Commodity codes

Commodity codes can then be referenced on Released products and on other Category hierarchies such as the Procurement category hierarchy.

To assign commodity codes to Procurement categories, go to the Procurement category hierarchy by navigating to Product information management > Setup > Categories and attributes > Category hierarchies or by navigating to Procurement and sourcing > Procurement categories.

Select the hierarchy node to be updated.  Expand the Commodity code fast tab, and click Add.  Select the hierarchy that contains the commodity codes in the Select hierarchy field.  Check off the commodity codes to be inserted in the Procurement category hierarchy node, and click the –> button.

assign commodity codes

Click OK.

category hierarchy commodity codes

To assign Commodity codes to Released products, navigate to Product information management > Products > Released products.

Select the item to be updated.

Expand the Foreign trade fast tab.

product information

Click Edit.

Click the Commodity field drop down.

editing commodity field dropdown

Highlight the commodity code required, and click OK.  Notice the first line in the drop down is the name of the Commodity code hierarchy and the options listed are the Codes previously entered.

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