Dynamics AX Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Reporting Requirements

At the moment, in spite of the promises to repeal Obamacare, employers are required by law to report to the government regarding health care coverage for employees, and Microsoft has addressed that requirement.

Microsoft has been providing more and more functionality in Dynamics AX over time to enable companies to meet the Affordable Care Act Reporting Requirements. The ability to generate the proper forms (1095-B and 1095-C) and electronically submit the 1095-C and 1094-C have been provided in AX 2012 R3 CU11.

There are prerequisites to being able to generate the proper 1095/1094 forms. These functions were available in previous versions and can be found in Human Resources > Setup  > Workers > Affordable Care coverage groups and in Human Resources > Workers under Employment and Employment > Additional information for each worker. The Benefit Plan form has been enhanced to allow for indication of ACA report applicability in a previous version as well under Human Resources > Setup > Benefits > Benefit elements, the Plans tab.

The functions for 1095 forms and reports are available only within a US Legal Entity.


Before the new 1094/1095 Reporting functionality can be utilized, insure the proper information is contained within the system.

  • Human Resources > Setup > Parameters > Human Resources parameters, under the General Tab.  Indicate whether or not the Employer Sponsored Health Coverage is Self-Insured.

setting up Affordable Care Act Dynamics AX

Human Resources > Setup > Workers > Affordable Care Coverage groups.  After creating groups, workers can be assigned to the proper groups individually or by using the Mass assignment functionality.  As coverage changes, the groups can be updated without having to update individual worker records.

Affordable Care Coverage Groups Dynamics AX

Individual Worker’s information can be maintained, if there is a need, by going to the worker record and to the employment tab.

individual workers affordable care info dynamics AX

Additionally, drill down to the individual monthly details for a worker and override them there by clicking the Additional Information – Affordable Care coverage link.

individual worker monthly details affordable care dynamics ax

Reporting Transactions

Human Resources > Reports > Regulatory is where to find the functions for 1095-B and 1095-C Forms, as well as Electronic 1094-C and 1095-C

The 1095-B can be run for specific criteria by selecting the Select button.  Choose to print the two-page form or the three-page form.  The report can also be run in batch.

1095B report dynamics ax

The 1095-C can be run in two or three-page form, and can be run for individual workers, if needed.  It can also be run in batch.

1095C report dynamics ax

The Electronic 1094-C and 1095-C Function will be used to generate either report.  An output path is required.

1094C 1095C function dynamics ax


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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at info@ellipsesolutions.com or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.

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