Exploring Global Address Book In Dynamics 365 – True Meaning of Address Purposes

Recently, a client presented an issue where a wrong address was printed on a customer facing document (an invoice).

Only one address on the customer can be primary. Each address on the customer might have one or more purposes assigned. The same purpose can be assigned to one or more addresses for the same customer.

On the image below, the customer has five addresses, including two with the purpose = Business and two with the purpose = Invoice:

global address book dynamics 365

The More options button opens the form where the default addresses for each purpose are setup:

default address

At a sales order entry, the delivery address can be selected. The dropdown for the delivery address include the primary address and the addresses with the purpose = Delivery:

create sales order in dynamics 365

The filter on the dropdown can be changed to Other addresses, then more addresses for the customer are available to be selected for delivery:other addresses dropdown

create sales order delivery address

When an address, with the purpose = Business & Invoice as in the example, is selected as a delivery address, it is printed on the invoice as the customer address:

show invoice address

If the delivery address is actually the one with the purpose = Delivery:

delivery address

Then the address with the purpose = Invoice that is selected as the default for invoice is printed on the invoice:

address for invoice

Therefore, there are 2 scenarios while creating a new sales order:

  1. When a delivery address is the address with the Invoice purpose, the delivery address is printed on the invoice.
  2. When a delivery address selected on a sales order has another purpose, the default address for the invoice purpose is printed on the invoice.

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  How to Include Customer Deposit on a Sales Invoice in Dynamics 365