Microsoft Dynamics 365 10.0.38 is Now Generally Available. Now What?

As of yesterday, January 11th, 2024, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Version 10.0.38 is now generally available and you may be asking yourself, ‘what does that mean for me?’ As a refresher, Version 10.0.38 is meant to act as a transition release for version 10.0.39 (the ‘April’ release), which is the first service update that’s released under the new cadence. If you’d like to learn what’s changing in the new release cadence, read our recent blog, Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO Continuous Updates Announcement.

New Enforcement of Number of Pauses in D365 10.0.38

There will be an enforcement of one maximum pause that goes into effect on February 19, 2024, after all scheduled auto-updates for version 10.0.38 are completed. At this time, a maximum of one update will be put in place with version 10.0.39.

The following table displays the allowed pauses through this transitional phase based on your current version.

D365 10.0.38

D365 FO Continuous Update Release Schedule

As many may know, there was a delay to the 10.0.38 update version which was originally scheduled to be released on December 22nd, 2023, but was delayed and then finally released January 11, 2024. As for what to expect in upcoming months, the Auto-Update Schedule Production start date is February 2nd, 2024 and the End of Service date is August 23rd, 2024. Make sure to mark your calendars for these important dates!

The update process can take a decent amount of time and dedication to ensure everything goes smoothly. Most businesses are well equipped to handle the update process, but many would prefer to have their IT team focus on more important and strategic initiatives. If you’re interested in streamlining continuous updates, check out D365 Update Autopilot.

  Managing Sales Order Holds in Dynamics 365 – Part 2