Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Windows gets the AXe

While Dynamics 365 is definitely an evergreen application as a whole, that doesn’t mean there aren’t occasionally some features that will drastically change, be deprecated, or removed altogether. For the most part, these updates make way for newer and better functionality. Also, we get to make really hilarious Dynamics-related puns like the title of this post, which is a real bonus.

Dynamics 365 windows app

One deprecation from April of this year was the Microsoft Dynamics 365 app for Windows. The app, which allowed Users to access Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement modules, was due to be removed from the Microsoft Store in the same month. With D365 already possessing a decent range of versatility and accessibility being browser-based, it is possible Microsoft simply views the UWP app as unnecessary upkeep at this point. While it appears to still be available, we wouldn’t advise getting overly attached to it. Best to stick to the browser-based experience to be safe!

See more changes and deprecations coming to Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform here.

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