Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations Non-Conformance Reporting

A non-conformance is an unexpected event or deviation from specified requirements or procedures. When a non-conformance occurs, it can lead to budget overruns, project delays, rework, unnecessary scrap of materials, decreased productivity or product recalls, just to name a few examples. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations non-conformances are used to record and report anything that may be an issue with a product.  However, non-conformance do not track issues associated with either projects or processes.

Non-conformances can be associated with Customers, Vendors, Service requests, Production, and Internal processes.

For example, in the Production control module, when an output of a production or a batch order fails to meet the accepted standards, a non-conformance record can be inserted directly from the Production order form.

  • Navigate to Production control > Production orders > All production orders and other related forms


  • If a new Non-conformance is inserted from the Production form, the Non-conformance type is assigned as Production. The Reference number on the Non-conformance is populated with the Production order number (on the Quality information tab):

Ellipse Plastics product has added a number of features for the Dynamics 365 for Operations Non-conformances.

Project Tracking

The first feature offered in Ellipse Plastics product for Non-conformances is the ability to link a Non-conformance to a project. This option allows users to consolidate and report projects based non-conformances.

Project ID

  • If a Non-conformance is generated from a production order, the users are able to manage the associated Project ID.
  • If the Non-conformance type is Customer and values in the Reference number and Reference lot show the link to a Sales order and a Sales order line, the Non-conformance Project ID is populated with the Project ID from the Sales order line.

  • If the Non-conformance type is Vendor and values in the Reference number and Reference lot show the link to a Purchase order and a Purchase order line, the Non-conformance Project ID is populated with the Project ID from the Purchase order line.
  • When a Non-conformance is created for a Sales order or a Purchase order and the value is copied from the corresponding line, it will not be editable.

Tracking Production Shifts for Non-conformances

Another useful option Ellipse Plastics offers for non-conformances is the ability  to track the production of goods and associated non-conformances by shift. This feature provides an opportunity to statistically evaluate manufacturing issues and recorded non-conformances with regards to production shift quality assessment.

The same entry allows to track a machine operator or another worker in charge of production.

For Non-conformances of the type other than Production or Co-product production, the Shift field is not relevant. .

Multiple Operators per Non-conformance

A worker who is responsible for a Non-conformance can be selected from a list of Employees and Contractors. In standard Dynamics 365 for Operations, only one Worker responsible can be assigned to a Non-conformance.

Ellipse Plastics enables an option to designate multiple operators to the same non-conformance:

Non-conformance Report

The Non-conformance report provides detailed analysis about non-conformances by type, date, problem, project, workers responsible and shift. It is accessible from the Non-conformance form > the Print button.

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For more information please contact Ellipse Solutions at or by calling our corporate office at (937) 312-1547.

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