Microsoft Dynamics AX Position Distribution Templates

In today’s economic climate many employees simultaneously perform duties and tasks for multiple positions within a single organization. As a result, accountants may have to post adjusting accrual entries to allocate payroll costs to the correct cost center and/or department. Microsoft Dynamics AX offers a feature that allows a distribution template to be associated to each position an employee is assigned that will systemically distribute payroll costs between multiple departments and/or cost centers.

For each position an employee is assigned attach a distribution template by completing the following steps:

Position Distribution Template

To get started, navigate to General Ledger -> Area page -> Setup -> Financial dimensions -> Financial dimension default templates 

  • Add a Template with the percentage for each Department and/or Cost Center split* for each position and employee holds. (*Note assumption is that you have financial dimensions’ setup based on Operating units for Departments and/or Cost centers)
    • Click New enter Template ID identifying employee and position.
    • Select applicable Cost center and Depart and enter percentage for allocation.
    • Next click Add, enter 2nd Cost center and Department with percentage for allocation. Repeat for as many applicable Cost centers and Departments as applicable. Just ensure the total percentage of allocation is equal to 100.00.
    • Create additional Templates as needed for additional positions employee may be assigned.

Financial dimension default templates in dynamics ax

Next, navigate to Human resources -> Area page -> Positions -> Positions 

  • Use Grid filter or other standard filters to filter by worker to locate your employee(s) to add a distribution template to their position for the 1st position the employee is assigned.

dynamics ax HR area positions

  • Click Edit in the Action pane to edit the position.

action pane edit position in dynamics ax distribution templates

  • Expand the Financial dimensions’ fast tab on the Position and select the Distribution template created above for the employee and position. Repeat for all positions assigned to employee with distribution templates.

dynamics ax distribution template expand

  • Now when payroll is processed and posted. The payroll costs for the employee will be allocated across multiple departments and/or cost centers.

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  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Deductions Included in Customer Payments