Peace Out: Dynamics 2012, R2, R3, and 2009

dynamics ax support ending

Imagine, if you will, it is 11:36 pm on Thanksgiving evening. You are sitting on your favorite recliner, eyes drooping, ready for bed, BUT… that wacky uncle, zany cousin, and some guy, you are not even sure where they came from, are still hanging around your house. They are loud, noshing on leftovers from a long-ago dinner and grumbling loudly as they rehash the afternoon football contest. Basically, they will… not… leave! Welp, we have just described a few of the previous versions of Dynamics AX.

For those that missed it, October 9, 2018, marked the end of mainstream support for Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Dynamics AX 2012, and Dynamics AX 2012 R2. This means that when you call Microsoft for support, they will provide security hotfixes but only until April 12, 2022. If you call them after April 12, 2022, after the giggling, you might get a Microsoft Zune and a $5 off coupon for extended Clippy support.

The other hold out, Dynamics AX 2012 R3, had its mainstream support yanked on October 12, 2021. All those folks riding the 2012 R3 train can rely on security hotfix help up until January 10, 2023.

If you are reading this, you likely have not upgraded and perhaps are not yet convinced support is ending. Well, how about the fact that even customers on Premier Extended Hotfix Support or on Unified Support Advanced and Performance Levels cannot get a non-security hotfix or regulatory update! Even though the ability to request one is there. That is kind of mean, huh?!? Like asking a kid if they want ice cream and then saying “Nope, no ice cream to be had here… move along with ya!

I bet you are saying to yourself or possibly to some other ERP buddy, “Don’t worry, our partner can get all the hotfixes we need for AX 2009!” Sorry, we also do not have access or any ability to coerce, incent, or blackmail Microsoft to help. Nope, let’s face it, it is time to upgrade. This is the part of the blog where we strongly advise you to start the process. Go ahead, don’t be afraid to cozy up to the latest version of Dynamics 365 Finance, Operations, & Supply Chain Management!

To help with this process, we are holding a FREE funding webinar with insider tips to guide you to the Microsoft vault for cold hard cash to assist in the upgrade process. Click here to access our webinar and check out a few of our other related blog topics:

Webinar: Dynamics 365 Upgrade Incentive

Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365: Upgrade Preparation

5 Tips for Public Sector Entities Implementing New ERP

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