Setting up One-Time Suppliers in Dynamics 365

Ask anyone in the accounting department what their biggest pet peeve is and the following case will always make the Top 5 list “Executives that submit expense reports, two weeks late, without attaching the receipts!” Then they will start mumbling about the ten key pad, but after that, they will resoundingly say, “Vendor setup!”

Guess what? There is a truly helpful shortcut in Dynamics 365 Finance to handle one-time suppliers within core procurement functionality. *BTW, expense management can be handled in D365, but that is a topic for another blog.

First, what is a One-time supplier? The witty bartender at your company holiday party, the hunky masseuse hired for “Relaxation Day,” or that small shop, Wacky Parts, Inc., located in Acadian, Iowa that sells the only version of the whatzit that is required to fix the printing press. All these folks need to be paid and the one-time supplier feature on the Purchase Order is the perfect for this need.  Advantages of using a one-time vendor are simple: Resources are not wasted with unnecessary setup and these accounts are easily identified for purging if desired.

There is a little bit of setup required to make sure the one-time vendor info ready to go. Start in Accounts payable>Setup>Accounts payable parameters> Vendor fast tab or search Accounts payable parameters.

accounts payable parameters dynamics 365

When the setup is complete head on over to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > All purchase orders or search Purchase orders. Click new and activate the one-time supplier trigger. D365 will automatically create a vendor number. Notice the separate number sequence for this type of account. Type a name in for the account and click OK.

create purchase order d365

We assume you will have already set up the new item for purchase so the next step is to add the item to the PO in the Line fast tab. Note: A message might appear when the PO is saved.

dynamics 365 vendor approval error warning

Depending on the vendor approval type, this can be a warning or an error. This can be addressed by setting up the vendor as an approved vendor for the item from the release product form. Product information management>Products>Released products. Go to the Purchase tab on the action pane. Click Setup in the Approved vendor group. Then add the vendor as needed. Notice that an expiration date can be set. These PO’s can be processed in the system like usual.released product details d365

Next time, when it comes to setting up a PO to input the purchase of a Margarita slushy machine for the breakroom, keep the one-time supplier feature in mind.

Check out these other recent Dynamics 365 blogs that are related to Procurement and Sourcing:

Dynamics 365 – Managing Receipts Not Attached To An Expense Report

Dynamics 365 – Vendor Demographics

Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations – Focusing on Purchase Order Returns

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