Transacting in the Field – RMAs on Hand Held Devices

Transacting in the Field RMAs on Mobile Dynamics AX

Successful Field Operations’ workers in the field, or in remote locations, require the same level of transactional access as those in the main office.  They may use different devices, but they need the same level of sophistication and real time communication to keep the business running efficiently.

When digital transformation is complete, each of the vehicles utilized by these workers can become a fully functioning remote ‘warehouse’ location and, like any other warehouse location, it needs the capability to handle more complex tasks than simple shipping and receiving.

Return Material Authorizations (RMAs) have many implications for proper inventory control and shouldn’t have to utilize manual work-arounds to be untangled later at the main office.  The process needs to be straightforward for field adoption and fully integrated to prevent manual intervention.

This blog walks you through the process of setting these options up in Microsoft Dynamics AX – and it’s easier than you think!

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